Tuesday, May 13, 2008


What a beautiful day today! The kids were outside all evening and the toys...looked like every garage in the cul de sac exploded! They love it though and it's so good for them to be outside instead of cooped up in here with me yelling at them.

I realize with every passing day how big my kids are getting. First of all, Carter is almost as tall as me and we can literally share shoes now! Maggie is all legs and growing like a weed. And they act so grown up, too. Sometimes I love it, sometimes I want to freeze time. Can't do that, so I'll enjoy every day as they grow.

I do have to say that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that Maggie likes to shop with me. We go to the mall and she says, "Mom, this would look so cute on you!" HA! Nothing like a sweet six year old to build my confidence!

Our pastor commented this past Sunday that we really have great kids...which I know...but it's always nice to hear someone ELSE say it!!

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